Breaking Down Walls: The Unseen Forces Behind Our Dependency

Do you ever find yourself beating your head against the wall of a problem? That has been my experience this past week as I’ve been working on building the website I have envisioned for “The Gathering Place.” I’ve built a few websites, but this one has been a pain with all the features and plugins I’m trying to figure out. I am also trying to build it using WordPress, a platform I am far less experienced with, which is why I’ve been beating my head against the wall of this problem, trying to sort out how to make it work as I envision. So, I am taking a break from that project and continuing to do something I am familiar with and have experience doing, which is sharing about my life and what I am learning week after week. And this week will be no different!

This week, I learned how the German army was so successful with the “Blitzkrieg,” which means “Lightning War.” This tactic involved overwhelming enemy forces with rapid offensive tactics. Now, someone might be asking how I ended up deciding to study this subject, and well, it was a series of items that led me to this. It started with me listening to an episode of Tucker Carlson’s podcast with Calley & Casey Means, where they discussed the genesis of some of the pharmaceutical drugs we use today, like Adderall, which German chemists invented. However, it wasn’t called Adderall at that time. During this conversation with Calley and Casey, a book was mentioned about the Germans and their use of pharmaceutical drugs, and I was inspired to check it out for myself. So now you will all be subject to learning about this, like it or not.

Blitzed by Morman Ohler was a riveting read as I learned to see a side of World War 2 I had not heard before. The book opens with the incredible success of the Blitzkrieg of the Germans, but it also adds details I had not heard of before. This war tactic was not some brilliant invention of the Germans; it was instead simply the result of a German army that was being fed copious amounts of different drugs, which allowed them to stay awake for days at a time. These drugs were early versions of meth and various other drugs we now use as pharmaceutical solutions. These drugs were created and handed out at mass as millions upon millions of these drugs were handed out to the army as magic pills that could allow the army to stay awake for days on end, or they could ignore the pain of battle wounds. These drugs are what inspired the many Nazi zombie movies and games.

These soldiers fought and lived in conditions that left their enemy shaken, as the Germans would continue to fight with arms blown off and other debilitating injuries. I imagine that would have seemed as if they truly were some demon or zombie. But it wasn’t just drugs, and it is also well known today that alcohol was heavily involved in allowing the German army to numb themselves to the acts within which they were participating. Many of the generals and military leaders would provide their soldiers with alcohol before and after the mass execution of thousands of defenseless men, women, and children.

It is incredible to me that many of these drugs were not only inspired by the Nazis but that many of these mad scientists were spared the death sentence to harness the knowledge they had obtained through their experimentation on German troops and the victims which they captured and used as human Guinea pigs to further their work. It is also incredible to me that we continue today to use thousands upon thousands of different pharmacological solutions and rarely consider the side effects of these drugs. Rarely do we consider the fact that these should be emergency interventions and not lifestyle drugs. Today, so much of the American population is sedated by or dependent on some drug. We pop pills for our every ailment, and rarely do we ask the question of what will the long-term effects be of living dependent on these chemicals.

I would say I have always been skeptical of ingesting any pills, a skepticism that I developed early from my Mother, who was always looking for natural solutions for her children’s health issues. As I got older and learned more and more about the incentives that exist to medicate and create chemical-dependent patients, I found myself increasingly grateful for my Mother’s skepticism. These companies, many of which have dark origins, have no interest in creating healthy patients. They don’t want to heal their patients because healing means they lose a client.

I read a paper a while back, and it reported something like 70% of all Americans are on some pharmacological drug. If you then also consider a statistic I heard thrown around that something like 80% of all crimes involve alcohol in some way, one can’t help but wonder what might change in our world if we were to eliminate these things from our lives entirely. How would the physical and mental health of our society shift if we removed all these substances from our lives? I am currently in the middle of another book, “Good Energy,” written by Casey and Calley Means, the brother and sister who, as I mentioned, were interviewed by Tucker Carlson. Their story of how and why they decided to leave the medical establishment and create something different is inspirational. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone who wants to find an alternative to becoming healthy rather than being doped up on another pill solution.

Reading these books, I am also reminded of a simple reality: God made our bodies to be adaptive and self-healing. He designed our bodies perfectly and gave us natural solutions to the fact that we now live in a fallen and broken world. I do think that He has and continues to use many medical interventions to save lives. But I also think that many of our “interventions” for chronic issues are not fixing but instead further hindering His design for our lives. I am continuing to read and learn and do whatever I can to ensure that I am not controlled by any substance but instead that I am “sober-minded” in all things. I will speak for myself and say that I do not trust any of our medical institutions; I do not trust that they truly want us healthy. Many doctors do, but the institutions that write those doctors’ paychecks do not. I would encourage anyone who thinks me crazy to read this book themselves and even consider the events of 2019, 2020, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Did they really try to do what was best for “the people,” or was it instead a tool for further lining the pockets of already wealthy corporations?

The truth is that these companies do not want us to be independent; they want us to be dependent on them. They are driven by a “love of money.” As the Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:10, “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” These companies serve shareholders first and people second. People are likely way further down the priority list than even second. I truly think there are often malevolent forces and spiritual forces that drive these companies. These forces hate mankind, and so they disguise themselves as “angels of light” as “good” or order to feed us things that will hinder and harm us. They can’t stop God from loving mankind, nor can they stop His plans. They can instead hurt and pervert His creation because they truly want nothing but to bring what God loves to destruction. It is important to truly ponder the reality that Ephesians 6:12 outlines: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

They are the forces behind many curtains; they pull the strings of our world, and we should not forget that. I have learned to question everything, doubt everything, and ask how this algins with what the Bible says. I do not think we are living lives where we are truly “sober minded.” The devil knows better than anyone how to deceive us and how to pervert God’s design.


Learning & Living: Finding Calm In The Storm


Finding Community in a Lonely World: Introducing "The Gathering Place" idea