The Wormwood Letters
The Wormwood Letters are intended as a spiritual successor to “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S Lewis. This original series of letters was intended to be a thought-provoking narrative from the perspective of a Senior demon (Screwtape) writing to his Junior demon (Wormwood). In these letters, Screwtape helps Wormwood better understand the means of deception and their mission.
In my work with “The Wormwood Letters,” Wormwood has become a Senior demon and now is emulating his uncle and is explaining to Rottmouth, a junior demon, the new tools that have become available to them for dragging humanity into deeper and darker deception using the innovations of modern technology.
My hope is that through the course of reading these letters, you, too, find yourself pondering how you, too, may be deceived and how you might resist the growing arsenal of deceptions that are brought to bear against the human creature.
In closing, I want to make sure we understand that we, as Christians, are ever under the protection of Jesus Christ, and so we are protected from demonic possession. Thus, we must make ourselves aware of the tools by which the enemy of creation will seek to deceive us.
Letter XXXV - Legalism & Religious Hypocrisy
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XXXV, Legalism & Religious Hypocrisy
Letter XXXIII - Smash The Patriarchy
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XXXIII, Smash The Patriarchy
Letter XXXII - Perpetual Happiness & Pleasure
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XXXII, Perpetual Happiness & Pleasure
Letter XXXI - Science & Rationalism
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XXXI, Science & Rationalism
Letter XXX - Body Image & Obsession
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XXX, Body Image & Obsession
Letter XXIX - Continued Devaluation of Family
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XXIX, Continued Devaluation of Family
Letter XXVIII - Technological Dependency
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XXVIII, Technological Dependency
Letter XVII - The Power of Celebrities & Social Media Influencers
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XVII, The Power of Celebrities & Social Media Influencers
Letter XXIII - Sexual Liberation & Hedonism
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XXIII, Sexual Liberation and Hedonism
Letter XXI - New Age Spirituality & the Occult
The WormwoLd Letters - Letter XXI - New Age Spirituality & the Occult
Letter XX - Pharmaceutical Technologies
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XX, Pharmaceutical Technologies
Letter XIX - Mental Health & Over-reliance on Self-Help
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XIX - Mental Health & Over-reliance on Self-Help
Letter XVIII - Environmental Concerns & Extremism
The Wormwood Letters - Letter XVII - Social & Political Polarization