Defying Cultural Chaos with Biblical Masculinity

Welcome, welcome one and all, to another weekly update of my life. It felt like a very short week, as it was a whirlwind of “To-Do” items that needed attention, from helping sell a house to last-minute drives to Oklahoma to take care of some work-related issues. I found the weekend came quickly once again. So here I am once again with a series of new ideas that I’m wrestling through. As I drove this week, I ended up reading through three different books on the subject of Biblical Masculinity. It is a subject that I have found very important as growing up. It wasn’t something that was modeled well for me, and it is also something that I find is rarely talked about at length from the pulpit. It is a highly controversial subject in our effeminate culture and an effeminacy that has long infected even our churches. Our culture today seems to be craving the stability of strong masculine men, and yet the loudest media voices are constantly decrying biblical masculinity as “toxic.” We live today in the fallout of fatherless men who grew up to become adults and found no one to lead them in the transition from boy to man. So today, we have adult boys who go on to raise more adult boys, and very few are left to lead these men in the transition from boy to man.

Today's culture and world seem to have two versions of men that they parade around in their media. One is the bad boy, the rebel, the one who hurts, uses, and abuses all those around him, and while he is often seen as the villain of the story, he is also the one who most often gets the girls' attention. And so any red-blooded man who finds that he too would like to receive the attention and ultimately the affection of woman finds he must become like this man. This is how online personalities such as Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson become the heroes of millions upon millions of young men. These lost boys want and crave something that they have been told is forbidden. They are hungry for something that seems to exist in the bones of their being, and no one seems to be left to lead them in the cultivation process of becoming a man. The second type of man that our culture is breeding is the limp-wristed compliant pushover, who always does what the women around him say he should do. In today’s MEME fuel world, we call these men SIMPs. Simp is short for “simpleton,” these are men who bow to the every whim of the women in their lives. These are the men who have no backbone and have adopted a nearly divine view of women. These men grew up being told by their mothers and sometimes even their fathers phrases like, “happy wife, happy life” or “when she is happy, everyone is happy.” While I do think that all good men do seek to have a happy wife, they also LEAD their wife. Our culture does not like this view because it smells of patriarchy, which means “Father-rule.” Our culture teaches young men that they should be more in touch with their feminine side; they should be more in touch with their feelings. These are ideas that men are constantly being bombarded with.

Today, our culture is bent on villainizing men wherever it can. Our TV shows all show men as weak imbeciles who always need women to point them in the right direction. Examples that come to mind for me are Family Guy, The Big Bang Theory, Everybody Loves Rayman, She-Hulk, and many others. These ideas are often covert, though today they are increasingly overt. Some of the most egregious examples of this are movies such as Miss Marvel or any of the most recent Marvel movies. There is a constant undertone of men needing to get out of the way. This is our modern version of goddess worship. This is something that has often come as the precursor to the fall of a civilization. Some of the worst examples of this are the SIMPing that occurs on many online platforms such as Twitch ( a platform where people watch you play video games ); this platform was once primarily led by young men who would build communities of other young men, and they would chat online as they slew virtual giants and monsters. Today, this platform is overrun by thousands of women, many of whom stream themselves sitting in a chair wearing some low-cut shirt and teasing their audience. While others will literally stream themselves sleeping, often in some provocative clothing. Many millions of these young men watching these women will then “donate” money to these women, hoping for some affirmation, praying they get her attention for a moment. Many of these women will then create OnlyFans accounts, and here they become online prostitutes, and again, the men come flocking in, hoping she will give them a second of attention.

This is our modern version of goddess worship. We created this environment through the normalization of pornography. We created it by deifying women (Deifying meaning to make a god of) as holy creatures, flawless and perfect. This is a trap I fell into in the midst of a previous long-term relationship. Women are wonderful, and Eve was literally a gift to man, as God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. Yet it was when Adam allowed himself to be led by Eve rather than lead that the fall resulted. Men naturally crave the love, affection, and attention of women. We want to make them smile and laugh. In this effort, we often make fools of ourselves; I know I certainly have. But what is so interesting is that women don’t fall in love with men who SIMP after them; most often, women end up having a great deal of contempt for these men. The reminder here is that God made us each Male and Female, and we both are equally fallen, but I would also say we are differently fallen. Men are more bent toward certain sins, and so too women are also bent toward certain sins. We each have a proclivity toward certain things because of the fall. We have but one solution: we have to turn our affections toward the only perfect and good thing, the only one who is fully deserving of our worship, and that is the Mighty God of creation, that is Jesus Christ, who came to rescue us from our sins.

With all this in mind, I return to the books I have been reading this week, each from a Christian author and each seeking to provide clarity to this cultural moment of sexual chaos and confusion. I will introduce them in the order that I would recommend they be read should anyone decide to read them.

Many might think it is hyperbolic to say that society hates men, but I dare you to read this book and still say this. God created men to lead, love, and protect. Our modern world hates this, and it is seeking to disrupt the natural order which God established. This book was released in late 2023 and I think it does a good job of presenting in detail the evidence of a society that hates men, especially Godly men.

Our next book argues that it is, in fact, good to be a man and that it is not a status that should be loathed and hated. The words of this book are likely to offend many, especially those who have adopted the ideas of a modern effeminate culture that derides all things masculine as inherently toxic. In my view, this book is for men who want to be the type of man God called and created them to be. This book presents ideas of authority and leadership that are not popular in a post-feminist world.

Our final book is likely to be the most offensive to many, including Christians. In it, the author challenges the modern church, which he argues has been infected with feminist ideology. The author spends a great deal of time digging into many of the most controversial passages within the Bible regarding the roles of men and women. In the pages of this book, he challenges men to step up and reclaim the authority and responsibilities for which they were created.

I suspect many will find the ideas I have presented here offensive. I can honestly say that while reading these books, there were moments when I found myself both offended and convicted. There is a duty for which all men have been created. They were built to be stronger so that they might protect; they were built to be more resilient so that they might endure. They were built with a desire to compete and dominate so that they might provide and have dominion over the earth. God made men, and He made them good; we, too, are fallen like the rest of creation, but we are not wicked for having desires that were built into our being by God. We can absolutely do wicked things in pursuit of our desires, but this is not exclusive to men. We, human creatures, male and female, have fallen and are in need of a savior and redemption. Our culture would have me be ashamed for being a man. It would have me abase myself daily for having been born a man. If Jesus walked the earth today, our world would call Him toxic. Jesus was called toxic in His day. Even if those weren’t the terms they used, that is what they meant. They hated Him because His teachings convicted them, His teachings and the apostles that followed after Him taught things that were offensive. The Bible today remains an offensive book, and we ignore its teachings at our own peril.


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