How Alfred Kinsey and His Followers Shaped Our Cultural Decline

A busy weekend and a strep inherited from my niece delayed my writing of this post, but I am back once again to share my thoughts and learnings. I have for a long time had an intuition to start some form of ministry or to do something beyond the day to day grind that is my job. As I have been thinking through what this could look like, I have continued to dig into a variety of subjects in my reading and podcasts. One of the questions I have found myself continuously asking is, “How did we get here?” What I mean is, how did we get to our current cultural moment? How did we get to this place of utter sexual depravity where we, as a culture, have abandoned all boundaries and have instead sought to pursue nothing more than our carnal desires? In an attempt to answer these questions, I have found myself once again diving into our not-so-distant past, seeking to understand the key characters that influenced our cultural environment. In this effort to seek to understand how we got here, I discovered a book called “Sexual Sabotage” by Judith Reisman.

As someone who had heard of Alfred Kinsey only a few times, the revelations of this book were truly astonishing to me. Alfred Kinsey was a professor at Indiana University; he, as I understand it, founded the “Sexoligy,” which is simply the study of sexuality. His work has been heralded as groundbreaking, and his first book is “Sexuality in the Human Male.” This book came on the heels of the end of World War 2. His studies of human sexuality through the exploitation of children aged from 5 months to 15 years old. He was an avowed atheist and sought to destroy the Judeo-Christian moral ethic of America. In his eyes, no form of sexuality should repressed. This included homosexuality, pederasty, and bestiality. As a professor, he was known to expose himself to his students and expect the same of his students. He did marry, but it is believed that his marriage was a front to cover his other sexual proclivities. He also pimped out his wife to his colleagues, and he would then record these activities between his wife and his colleagues and would then use them as forms of blackmail. The story in this book by Alfred Kinsey was truly sickening, and there were multiple moments in reading it when I found a bile of disgust welling up in me. This sick, despicable man used the data of children who were molested to substantiate the data of his book. This book then became the holy book of human sexuality. Today, many of our sex-ed classes are still based on the reported “data” within his books.

As I continue to seek an understanding of our cultural moment, I realize that Alfred Kinsey has played a key role in the formation of our hyper-sexualized culture. Whether we like to admit it or not, Kinsey won and achieved his goals. My hope is I can, in some way, poke a hole in that victory, and in my view, the best way to do that is to expose people to the truth of who this man was. He was no saint. He was a wicked man who served no one but himself and sought nothing greater than his own pleasure. The dark reality of what brought him pleasure was torturing others as he was deeply sadistic. This book once again reveals the reality of who Alfred Kinsey was, not as he has been portrayed in our media, but as the man he truly was.

Alfred Kinsey is a key part of understanding our current cultural moment, and we can place at his feet much of the sexual depravity we see today, but he is but one of a dozen characters I am investigating. Alfred Kinsey was a pornographer, but it was Hugh Heffner who made pornography a mainstream, commonplace within our culture. But were it not for the work of Alfred Kinsey, who disenchanted sexuality within the American mind, Hugh Heffner would not have seen the success that he did with the publishing of Playboy Magazine. Hugh Heffner was backed by the Kinsey Institute as they sought to destroy the Sexual Ethics of America’s Christian foundation. Alfred Kinsey and his work also would later inspire the work of John Hopkins, “John Money.” This man, too, was a sexologist and, building on Kinsey’s work, determined that gender was nothing more than a social construct. He was known to have performed the first gender reassignment surgeries; a horrifying story of his work can be found in the story of the Reimer Twins, who were the first case study of his beliefs.

The story of the Reimer twins is tragic and horrifying as both eventually committed suicide due to the experimentation they endured at John Money’s hands. There is a dark and sadistic timeline that can be followed to our current cultural moment. This is not something that happened overnight but instead has been taking place under our noses for well over a hundred years. But these three characters are only a few of the monsters that crafted the world we now live in.

Many characters came before Alfred Kinsey, preparing the environment where his message could be seeded. I want to make it clear that my hopes in detailing the story of these characters are two-fold. First, I believe bringing these characters into the light will allow us to better understand and face the cultural environment within which we now find ourselves. Second is that by knowing the truth of our situation, we can each take an active role in opposing it. America is a nation fallen just like all the rest, but it is also a nation that was founded on a Judeo-Christian worldview, and we abandon it at our peril. We do ourselves and our fellows no service by being ignorant of the reality of our current condition. Are we, as Christians who claim to know the way, the truth, and the life, not failing our fellow image-bearers if we do take the time to inform ourselves and then, through that information, take it into the world and seek to dispel the lies of the enemy?

As I write this, I can’t help but wonder how Sodom and Gomorrah became as they were before they were finally forced to face God's wrath. I can’t help but wonder if they, too, were a people who abandoned God little by little. I can’t help but wonder if there, too little by little, they chose to simply say nothing as they watched the wickedness of their city grow. And eventually, one day, they woke up, and there was no one left who knew the truth from the lie. They became so blinded by their wicked passions that even when angels walked among them, they could no longer see them, for they knew only the comfort of their demons.

I am actively working on and praying that I might share what I am learning with a larger audience, for it is only by the truth that we will be set free. So, for those who choose to invest their time in my post week over week, I would ask that you join me in prayer as I seek direction on the conviction I feel in sharing this.

Thank you


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