Knowledge versus Wisdom

This week was spent mainly in a little town called Pampa, where I spent it learning more work things. The last couple weeks have been hard for me to keep myself motivated to keep writing. I want to write I want to slow down enough so I can process and think through where I am now and where I am headed. I became aware of this when I realized as I was driving this week that I couldn’t commit to a single podcast episode to listen to. Instead I found myself picking one and then quickly changing it until I eventually ended up just listening to music.

As I sat down to write this week I found myself really struggling to figure out where to start. Writing so where I often find the time to slow down enough to take inventory of my own thoughts and figure out where it is that my attention has been all week. So as I sit here a question of mine has been what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom. I’ve heard it said that “wisdom is knowledge applied.” For me this seems like a pretty good distinction. All the knowledge in the world does little good if we never put it to use. I could read every good book in the world and I could memorize every verse of the Bible but if I don’t apply and put into action the knowledge then what is it really worth.

This season of my life is a season of wrestling with my own thoughts and often times with God. As I seek to pursue purposeful life I often find myself asking the question of how to do it and how to do it well. I ask myself who am I today and who am I becoming. I try to see my own flaws and allow others to point out my flaws so that I may grow. Yet all the same I find myself often wrestling and asking the question of am I doing the right thing and where could I do better.

As I move forward my hope is that I do learn to apply well the things that I learn each week.

What I learned this week

This week I spent some time listening to the Bible Project and in the vein of wisdom I wanted to share three great videos that do a great summary and introduction to the three books of wisdom in the Bible, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job.

The Book of Proverbs Summary

The Book of Ecclesiastes Summary

The Book of Job Summary

If you are not familiar with the Bible Project I would absolutely recommend you check out their app and or website they have a ton of incredible resources for bible study.

How to Thrive When You’re Single

Lila Rose, founder of an incredible pro-life organization known as Live Action a organization she started when she was 15 years old. As someone who has followed her content for many years now I can’t recommend her content enough. The video above is a great example of practical advise to young people in a season of singleness. I have only very recently started listening to her podcast but her willingness to engage in the hot topics of today and to do so with grace is something I admire.

I have shared before of how I often struggle with speaking truth with love and Lila is someone who I find does this exceptionally well.

Today I have nothing beyond this to share today. I hope the videos above are encouraging or that they provide you with an opportunity to learn something new.


The Toxic War on Masculinity & Unity In God's Image


Unveiling Exodus: Timeless Story and the Wonder of the Bible