Men, Women & The War To Devalue & Monetize
Do you ever feel like you’re just stuck and don’t know what to do next? That was me this week in many ways. Sometimes, it’s hard to see what you are aiming at in life. Sometimes, you don’t know what to do or what to do next, so you keep doing what you know and aiming upward as much as possible. This week was an interesting one for me and a fairly uneventful one as a whole.
As I went through another week, I learned about the silent war being waged against men and women. A war that has caused a lot of division amongst them and is causing our marriage rates to plummet and divorce rates to continue to skyrocket. I won’t try to write out all my thoughts on this silent war today as I am packing in a couple of hours for a trip with my brothers to Corpus Cristi. But I wanted to introduce you all to this subject and idea as presented by Carl Trueman in Strange New World. It is a brilliant book that unpacks much of what is happening in our modern culture and its worship of self and feelings. It is a brilliant book and brings out some key ideas on how the sexual revolution created an environment that got us here to a place where many men and women often seem to now see one another as adversaries rather than co-laborers in this world. Anyone interested in checking it out can find it on Amazon here. I will also share a great podcast episode I listened to with Carl Trueman if you want to get a taste of the subject matter of his book.
What Did I Learn This Week?
A Corrupted Paternal Instinct
A thought I had only previously considered is that a potential reason for much of our current activist extremism comes from misplaced parental instinct. What I mean by parental instinct is this innate desire within most people. It seems to be, in part, a desire for women to nurture and teach and, for men, a desire to provide and protect. Now I want to be clear that this is me just theorizing and thinking out loud through today's culture of extremism. I genuinely believe that there is, again, within “most people,” a natural parental instinct. Today’s culture seemingly villainizes and devalues the role of motherhood and fatherhood. So I can’t help but wonder if there are buried psychological desires that are being repressed or perverted and then channeled into much of what we see today in college campus extremist activities. There seem to be repeated stories of once-liberal extremists turned social conservatives when they finally became disenchanted with the liberal ideology, and this disenchantment often seems to come with parenthood. It is an undeveloped idea that I find compelling and worth further consideration.
Is there anything Good about men
In many ways, the reasonable and rational might say what a silly question, but a growing trend of calling men or masculinity “toxic” as a default has left many asking this exact question. “Is there anything good about men?” This podcast briefly asks the question, and I enjoyed the conversation. I could not find part two of the conversation, but I learned a few things from this conversation.
Socially men are considered more expendable
93% of workplace fatalities are men
Men are generally more interested in “things,” and women are usually more interested in “people.”
It is a fascinating conversation I will revisit as I have many more thoughts on it.
7 Things Men Do To Ruin Their Lives
For men looking to take ownership, responsibility, and action in their lives, this is an excellent thirty-minute listen if you want to challenge yourself and figure out if there is anything you are doing to sabotage the success of your life.
Give it a listen, and let me know your thoughts.
Reactionary Feminism
Two brilliant women discuss the state of feminism and how we have turned motherhood into a thing that is seen as distasteful and undesirable. I genuinely think this is such a vital conversation for us to have as we continue to see birthrates plummeting globally, overall happiness decline, and marital success falter as divorce rates rise and much of the young population abandons the institution of marriage entirely.
One thing that I have to point out is the idea that we are today seeking ways to monetize motherhood through surrogacy and outsource the role of the mother. But also, there is an underlying culture that demands women are only as strong as men or equal to men if they are somehow under the power of modern technology such as the pill and other forms of birth control. Somehow, “we the culture” have convinced women that equality with men is to be like men, compete as men do, and do what men do.
“There is no longer a story of beauty taming the beast, for beauty is told to become the beast, and beast is told to become the beauty.”
This is such an incredible insult in my eyes. The unique beauty of women and the roles that they alone can fulfill. This is a subject I am very passionate about and will be revisiting after I finish Mary’s new book “Feminism Against Progress.” along with a few other books.
I will share these books while learning and educating my thoughts and opinions!
What Am I Doing?
This week I continued to practice learning the usage of Tableau and how I might be able to apply it to the professional role I fulfill.
Learning to be winsome in how I conduct conversations, especially socially charged ones.
Practicing healthy sleeping habits! Learning to create a schedule to ensure I get a healthy amount of sleep as well as make sure I know what I should eat and drink before bedtime that may negatively affect the quality of my sleep.
Thank you, one and all, for checking out my second week of being 30 and my journey of pursuing wisdom, knowledge, and correction. I would love it if you shared this newsletter of mine on your socials. I am figuring out how to create an environment where I can connect and chat with my readers and discuss the ideas I introduce here.
Until next time, God bless, and I will see you again next week!