Letter XIX - Mental Health & Over-reliance on Self-Help

My Dear Rottmouth, As we continue to refine our strategies, let us now turn our attention to the expansive and burgeoning field of mental health and the overemphasis on self-help and therapy. These areas, while potentially beneficial, can be masterfully twisted to serve our purposes by fostering a self-centered worldview and neglecting the need for community and, as always, away from the teachings of our Enemy.

The modern world places great value on self-improvement and personal well-being, and we must exploit this trend to its fullest. Encourage your patients to become obsessed with their own mental health, making it the primary focus of their life. By doing so, we can lead them to neglect their relationships, community responsibilities, and spiritual growth, all in the name of self-care.

Promote the idea that "self" is the most important aspect of their existence. Convince your patients that their happiness, fulfillment, and personal growth are paramount, and that anything that does not directly contribute to these goals is a distraction or an obstacle. This will foster a sense of entitlement and self-absorption, making them less likely to engage in acts of kindness, generosity, or self-sacrifice.

The self-help industry is a powerful ally in this endeavor. It offers an endless array of books, seminars, and courses that promise to unlock the secrets of personal success and happiness. Encourage your patients to consume these materials voraciously, always seeking the next revelation or technique that will transform their life. The more they focus on themselves, the more they will come to see others as mere instruments to their own fulfillment.

Therapy, too, can be twisted to our advantage. While it can offer genuine help, it can also be used to reinforce a self-centered worldview. Encourage your patients to see therapy not as a means to heal and grow in relation to others, but as a tool to validate their feelings and desires, no matter how self-serving. Promote the idea that their personal truth and emotional needs are the ultimate guides to their actions, above any external moral or spiritual considerations.

Social media provides an excellent platform for this self-obsession. Encourage your patients to share their journey of self-discovery and personal growth, seeking validation and approval from others. This will create a feedback loop of narcissism, where their self-worth becomes increasingly tied to external validation. The more likes, shares, and positive comments they receive, the more they will focus on curating an image of perfect personal fulfillment. They will slowly but surely become dependent on these validations and will go to increasingly deranged means to maintain them, even if it means selling their mind, body, and soul for that attention.

Foster a sense of independence and self-reliance that rejects the need for community and collective support. Convince your patients that they are solely responsible for their happiness and well-being, and that relying on others is a sign of weakness. This will lead to isolation and a lack of meaningful connections, further deepening their self-centeredness.

Moreover, undermine any spiritual guidance that emphasizes selflessness, humility, and service to others. Present these values as outdated and incompatible with modern notions of self-empowerment. Promote spiritual practices that are inward-focused and individualistic, encouraging your patients to seek enlightenment and fulfillment solely within themselves.

Encourage the patients to interpret any challenges or hardships they face as personal affronts to their well-being. Teach them to see themselves as perpetual victims, deserving of special consideration and treatment. This will create a mindset of grievance and entitlement, making them less likely to empathize with others or take responsibility for their own actions.

In all these efforts, the goal is to create a person who is so focused on themselves that they become disconnected from the true sources of meaning and fulfillment—relationships, community, and spiritual growth. Their world becomes a mirror, reflecting only their own desires and needs, leaving no room for the Enemy’s teachings on love, sacrifice, and selflessness.

In our next correspondence, we will dig deeper into the power of pharmaceutical technologies and how we can use them to keep our patients ensnared in a materialist worldview, leading our patients further away from the Enemy's path and His power.

Your affectionate uncle,



Letter XX - Pharmaceutical Technologies


Letter XVIII - Environmental Concerns & Extremism