God's Will & Gratitude for His Blessings
Introduction - The Deceitful Heart
Today's post will be a little different than what I’ve been doing as I had zero time to listen to any podcasts or audiobooks, so today, I will share some of my musings and thoughts based on my quiet time and Bible studies. Recently I have been thinking about
Jerimiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, desperately wicked; Who can know it?” -NKJV
This is something that I very much wrestle with. I recently asked my Pastor (Steve) how I know when it is God leading and when I know it’s my own heart leading and deceiving me. With a smile, he told me, “That’s a great question,” and to let him know if I found the answer. Fortunately, he followed it up with some true encouragement. He asked, “Are you trying to follow and listen for the Lord to lead? Are you trying to follow His commands? Are you reading His word?” I replied and told him that I was and am. With another smile, he said, “Then keep doing what you’re doing, and the Lord will show you what to do next.”
It was a short and encouraging conversation then, but how easy it is to forget and begin to ask those nagging questions again. Am I doing the right thing? Am I failing to hear? Am I failing to follow? I find it easy to get lost as I try to figure out what to do next or wonder if my life isn’t moving forward because I am failing to see the seemingly obvious direction I am to go. Am I being deceived or misled by my heart? As I wrestle through these questions, I have found few answers, but the words Pastor Steve shared have been a true encouragement as I seek to take each day one step at a time. Pursuing purpose with each day and trying to avoid as many of life’s pot-holes as possible along the way.
As I meditate on these questions, I continue to ask the same question repeatedly: is this ME, or is this GOD? I have often heard stories of how God has revealed to someone the direction they are to go in some incredible way, or even in the Bible. There are countless stories of how God does choose to give someone clear and unquestionable direction. Moses with the burning bush and the miracles of Eygpt are quickly forgotten by the children of Israel when they come to the wilderness. Or in the New Testament, we have the disciples of Jesus who daily walk and talk with Him. They see him heal the sick, raise the dead, and walk on water, yet when challenges arise, they forget how quickly they lose faith.
As I have read the Bible, I have found that I relate much to its many characters. The story of Peter has been one that has so often spoken to me. He is a man of incredible faith and yet such relatable weakness. The story that I find I most often relate to is the story in Matthew 14. In this story, Jesus has left His disciples only for a moment and sent them ahead of Him in a boat. As the disciples cross the lake, a storm begins to buffet them, and they all begin to fear for their lives. Amid the storm, Jesus comes to them in an incredible way, walking on the water. In the middle of the storm, Peter calls out to Jesus and says, “Lord, if it is you, then tell me to come out on the water.” And Jesus does. He calls out to Peter, “Come, " so Peter gets out of the seeming safety of the boat and begins walking on water with Jesus. As he fixes his eye on Jesus, he walks on water and does the impossible. Yet as soon as he loses his focus, as soon as he notices the storm and realizes what is happening, he waivers and begins to sink. In fear, he calls out, “Lord save me,” and Jesus does exactly that. He reaches out and he rescues Peter from the depths.
This story gives me chills when I think about it and hits home in many ways. I, too, like Peter, have seen the miracles of God in my own life. I have seen Him be faithful, rescue me from the depths, and put me on solid ground once more, and yet when another storm comes, I find again and again I falter, and I sink again. I know if Jesus were standing there with me in those moments, He would tell me as He did His disciples that day, “You of little faith.” Yet the incredible thing is that Jesus does not tire of His disciples; with love and patience, He lifts them up again. He picks them up out of the water and helps them forward again.
It is incredible to me that God does not tire of me. It is incredible to me that He would pick up again and again as I fall, often tripping over the very same things. Incredibly, He welcomes me to bring my sorrows and concerns to Him daily, even when they are the same things I brought yesterday. He does not grow weary but welcomes me to bring my every fear and concern before Him, which is an incredible gift. This is something that I know I need to grow in, as I am someone who can often be graceless and without patience with others, especially when they are seemingly making the same mistakes over and over. Yet, in this story, I am reminded of how Jesus loved and patiently walked with those He loved. I am reminded of how patiently He has walked with me in my own life. Time and time again, He has proven faithful and will never leave nor forsake us. As I was thinking through this post and in my quiet time this morning, I was reminded of
Philippians 4: 6-8 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
As I read this, I found such encouragement in knowing that God welcomes me to bring all my concerns and anxieties before Him. He is not flawed as I am. He does not tire of my questions. He does not tire of my repeat prayers, but in the fullness of time, He answers all that I ask of Him according to HIS will! And how glad I am that it is according to His will and not my own because if He gave me everything I asked for, I would be in a very sorry place, as a good Father who gives only good gifts to His children and that is something that is truly a gift to take heart in!
The Natural Ungrateful Heart
One more story of my life, recently, I have been looking for a new house here in Lubbock. I had been looking at different houses, and each time I found one I liked, someone would beat me to the punch, and it would get sold before I could make an offer. I recently found another house, an older one, but one I liked. So I told my friend that I wanted to make a move on it quickly as it was being sold at a great price and was the size I was looking for. So we did what we could. Soon after, she called me to say there was already an all-cash offer on the house, so my odds of getting it would not be great. But she told me to pray about it, so I did and decided to make an offer on the house despite the all-cash offer already on the table.
So a few days passed, and I remained in prayer, asking God to guide me in this and that He would lead me and allow me to get the house if it was His will. So a few days later, Danae, my realtor friend, called me to give me the verdict. Excitedly, she told me that my offer had been accepted and that they would like to proceed with my offer, not the cash offer. She told me that the couple that was moving out was an elderly couple, and they didn’t want to sell the house to an investor who would just try and flip it. Danae had put in the offer that my brother and I were hoping to buy this property to live in (which is true), so this couple had decided to go with our offer instead of the all-cash offer! At that moment, I found myself overjoyed and excited at how God had chosen to answer my prayers in such a quick and incredible way! And how incredible it was and is! I am still in the closing process of this new home, but I am so excited to see how God has moved and is moving to help me and is working in my life! And for all my friends who are reading this, I am excited to soon share and welcome you into this new space!
I would love to leave it there, but I want a confession. Minutes following after Danae told me that they had accepted the offer I had made, I found myself asking God why He couldn’t answer some of my other prayers in such a quick manner. In this incredible moment of blessing and God looking out for me, I acted like a petulant child and asked God for more. And as I was driving at that moment, I was convicted of this and realized what I was doing.
It’s so easy to forget or fail to see how God is blessing us because we want God to give us the exact results, and we want them TODAY! But as ever, God, with love and grace, continues to walk with me and show me when I am acting like a spoiled, ungrateful child, and with love and patience, He walks with me, and He continues to give me gifts I don’t deserve and answers prayers that I all too often forget to thank Him for!
So my challenge to you, dear reader, is to take a moment today and consider what prayers God has answered in your life. We are just like children spoiled by a God who loves us and continues to give us gifts we don’t deserve and love us beyond any measure we could ever love Him in return!
I hope you have enjoyed today’s post; it has encouraged and given you something to think about. I hope and pray you all have a wonderful day today, no matter where you find yourself!