Letter VIII - Abortion
My Dear Rottmouth, We now turn our attention to one of the most potent and perilous issues we have managed to twist to our advantage—abortion. It is remarkable how we have taken a subject fraught with moral complexity and transformed it into a symbol of empowerment and personal freedom.
The great triumph here, Rottmouth, is that we have convinced the patient and many like her that the act of ending a human life is not only a right but an empowering one. This perversion of empowerment serves our purposes exquisitely, as it not only promotes a culture of death but also distorts the very nature of what it means to be truly empowered.
You MUST continue to foster the belief that abortion is a fundamental aspect of a woman’s autonomy and liberation. Frame it as a necessary choice for maintaining control over one’s life and destiny. Emphasize the narrative that without this option, women are oppressed and subjugated by the Enemy's outdated and restrictive moral codes.
The key is to ensure that the patient never contemplates the moral and ethical dimensions of the act itself. Keep her focused on the rhetoric of rights and freedom, overshadowing any consideration of the potential life that is being terminated. The language of empowerment is your ally here—encourage her to see abortion as a courageous and necessary act of self-assertion.
Furthermore, it is crucial to paint any opposition to abortion as an attack on women and their autonomy. Foster a sense of indignation and anger towards those who would advocate for the life of the unborn. This will create a defensive and adversarial mindset, preventing any genuine dialogue or reflection on the issue.
In promoting this perspective, we also sow the seeds of division and hostility. The patient, convinced of the righteousness of her stance, will view those with opposing views as enemies, further isolating her from potentially enlightening discussions and deeper truths. This isolation is beneficial, as it solidifies her adherence to our crafted narrative and prevents the intrusion of the Enemy's teachings on the sanctity of life.
It is also advantageous to highlight stories that portray abortion as a positive and liberating experience. Encourage her to consume media and literature that reinforce this message, ensuring that she remains steeped in a culture that celebrates the act as a triumph of personal choice.
Remember, Rottmouth, that the ultimate goal is to keep her perception firmly anchored in the belief that abortion is not only a right but a positive good. By framing it as an empowering decision, we effectively mask the inherent moral complexities and ensure that she remains blind to the darker realities of the act. Whatever you do, do not allow her to see the truth; this is of utmost importance. Our father gathers in a feast for every spawn of our patients that meets this end, and you must not fail him.
In our next correspondence, we shall delve into another old yet revived ideology that brings our father great joy.
Your affectionate uncle,